Over HALF of all Haitian babies die before their 5th Birthdays. Their only hope for survival is through organizations like ours. Hearts for Haiti is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization founded in 2001 by three moms who fell in love with the precious children of Haiti. After visiting orphanages in Haiti and witnessing the extreme conditions of poverty, it was obvious that the basic needs of many children could be met and lives could be saved if we took action to help.
Through annual drives and fundraising, Hearts for Haiti has provided countless cases of formula, thousands of diapers, 500 kilos of Medika Mamba, and many supplies. Following the devastating 2010 earthquake, Hearts for Haiti expanded efforts by giving local students opportunities to help the children of Haiti. Many schools amazed us with various creative and very successful fundraising events. Local businesses stepped up to the cause as well. As a result, we were able to donate $10,000 toward the construction of a new orphanage! The cost to build a new haven for the children is great. Any help you can give will directly add to the quality of life for many orphans.
Hearts for Haiti promises that 100% of your donation will go to the immediate needs of the children – formula, water, food, diapers and shelter. The founders and friends sponsor the organization by covering all expenses including, but not limited to, shipping, mailings, website, promotional items and travel. Our founders and volunteers personally deliver all donations along with lots of love to the children of Haiti.